Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Not-So-Rotten Day.

Today started off as a very, very bad day……
But I promise it gets better, so don’t be depressed and leave.

The Bad: For those of you who know I have been looking for a job since I graduated in May, I am still unemployed. I am still looking. There have been some great leads, but so far nothing has been set in stone, and I am not a girl who likes to sit around waiting. I like to go! Go do stuff, go work, be with people. I’m like a Labrador!

 Sadly, this pooch has been kenneled. As my brothers are both in school now, and my parents are gone during the day, I am left with nothing (big fat nada) to do. Those of you in college or work may be thinking “What’s wrong with her? I’d love to do nothing for a change!” Not after three months of nothing, you wouldn’t. No $$ coming in, and no job on the horizons….it sucketh.

 So today, I was home in the basement, doing nothing, feeling very sorry for myself. It was the mother of all pity-parties, and I was kind of yelling at God. Don’t do that, btw…He doesn’t deserve it.  Finally, after listening to me whine about how dull my life had become, and miserable I was, and how I was wasting my life waiting for some job to PLEASE call me back (wah, wah, wah) He basically kicked me out of the house. That’s right. God kicked me out of the house.

He very clearly said, “Go. Get out. Now. Enough of this. Get dressed and go.”
And I sniffled “Ok…” and got dressed.

The Good: After that, I went for a drive in the rural area behind my house, which is one of my favorite things to do. As I was driving, I was still talking to God and venting about how I was in the doldrums with no direction right now. My hand was on the radio dial, and I said “God! What is it you want me to know?” I turned up the volume, and the first thing to come out of my speakers was a song by Matthew West.

“I love you more than the sun and the stars that I taught how to shine, you are Mine, and you shine for Me too, I love you.” Umm….whoa.

The BEST: God is good. Amen? I am loved infinitely by the God of the Universe, because of who He is, not because of what I do or who I will be. Who else can we call the Lover of our souls? I don’t know when a job will happen, but I am not alone, and I am not forgotten. I’m a daughter of the Living God.

In case you were wondering, my day got significantly better. I walked all over the beautiful city of Saratoga that I am so blessed to call my home. I mean, I get to live here!!!! Wow. Wow. Wow.

People were out and about, and I stopped at the frozen yogurt shop ‘cause they let me have all the carob chips I want…I love you guys. Toga was alive today, and it was glorious. I then took a walk in the Yaddo Gardens which is one of my favorite places on earth. It is an artist’s haven that was built in the early 1900’s by a man named Spencer Trask for his love Katrina. It’s where art and nature collide in a spectacular rose garden, filled with statues, fountains, and every color rose you can think of. I had time to pray, to dream, to walk with God, and to capture some of the beauty of this peaceful place. If He can create such colors, and minister to the hearts of His hurting children, I gotta believe God has a plan for each of our lives.

I hope you are blessed today. I certainly was, even though I started off in the mires of self-pity. God will pull you out. You only need to reach up and take His hand.

“Wait and hope for and expect the Lord; be brave and of good courage and let your heart be stout and enduring. Yes, wait for and hope for and expect the Lord.” Psalms 27:14

As always, pictures. This is where He took me today. I like to listen to music while I look at pictures. I'd suggest this song for these images 'cause it speaks to my heart. Enjoy!

                                          The Garden's a love story. Look at the initials ;)

 The Trask house where I REALLY want to stay...if I become an author. Only artsy people and artists are allowed to stay there.


  1. Lovely photos, wonderful words, beautiful spirit... thank you for sharing, Sami!

  2. Oh Sami. I looked at this before but only the photos (my apologies). I just got around to reading it today and.. wow. This blessed me. I've been in the exact same boat and feeling like a leech off my husband's paycheck.. today I woke up in such a bad mood that I got up, ate, watched tv, and went back to bed for a bit to do a re-do. (It helped immensely btw). This really blessed me. Way to be beacon girl!! <3333
