Sunday, April 29, 2012

This Upcoming Week

It's SUNDAY!!!! Tomorrow's Monday, and those aren't always fun, so here are some things to look forward to. These are the upcoming blogs for this week, so come on back now ya’ll…ya hear?

Tuesday: My very own dairy-free, low fat biscotti recipe. Yes, you will eat the whole pan.

Thursday: HBO and the art of telling stories. That's right! We're talking about HBO...I'm stoked.

Saturday: Photos from our trip to NYC…an amazing weekend.

ALSO, I do intend to finish the “Peter Saga,” next week, and that book excerpt is coming. I promise. 

Question: What did you do this weekend? 

I went rock climbing for the first time on Saturday with my brother and our friend. It was hard, but a really great workout. It's kind of empowering to know you have the strength to haul yourself up a 90-degree-angle rock wall. Sunday was church, and then hanging out with my sweet friend Josie. We made a DELICIOUS vegan lunch, and than a vegan chocolate mousse pie before going for a walk. What a nice weekend! What did you do?

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