Sunday, May 6, 2012

NYC Girl's Weekend

She's my adopted sister. Well, not legally, but we may as well be related because we've practically adopted each other. Moody and I have been friends since we were 4 years old, and no, her name's not really Moody, but siblings do give each other nicknames, right? Well, this sister of mine has been a country girl her whole life, and I'm so so so proud of her for moving to the BIG CITY!!! And I got to go visit for the weekend!!!! Here are some pictures of the most incredible weekend...

The view out of her bedroom window. WHAT?!

That lovely lady

Inside the big hall at Ellis Island, where so many members of my family walked a hundred years ago.

Incredibly moving to be in this room

The Freedom Tower. 

That NY skyline

That Jazz

This globe was between the Twin Towers, and was rescued after 9/11

Me and Moody in the biggest Macy's in the world

Bryant Park

The City Comes Alive!

Can you believe this???

Went to church at St. Thomas' Cathedral. Wow.

 Mmmm.....this happened. 


At the Met

Constantine's City of God, 14th cent. Wow.


That's all for now folks!! Also, here is this week's lineup!

Tues: New Dairy-free recipe!!!! Yummm....
Thurs: I'm wrapping up the Peter Saga. Finally.
Sat: Movie review, and no, it's not the Avengers. It's BETTER.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, beautiful friend!!! You are an amazing photographer and an even more amazing friend and sister:) <3 What a joy it was to spend the weekend traveling about the Big Apple on so many adventures!
