Thursday, June 28, 2012

Where the Heck Did She Go???

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Here. I'm here!

Where have I been? That's a long story. I've not been blogging here,  because I have been blogging elsewhere. Yay Jesus, I now have two gigs writing and am blogging for money. Very mercenary of me, I know, but I don't have a regular job, people! On the job topic, no nibbles, though I've thrown out a lot of resumes and cover letters.
      Anyway, I've been configuring those two blogging gigs, and dealing with financial stuff which is kind of a bear. On top of all that, my computer died. It bit the dust, kicked the bucket, took the long drop. Ugh. My laptop needed to be resurrected, and miracles are expensive, ya know? Thank God for merciful parents who paid half, and let me work the debt off by cleaning my dad's boat. Yes, the computer was worth getting sprayed with dirty bilge water and getting covered in spiderweb. (Sigh) What we do for our writing!
      For those people who have been asking me about my grad school application to Trinity Dublin, they STILL have not given me a solid answer. I assumed that this lack of communication could be interpreted as an Irish "no." When I emailed, they said they had problems with their database and dozens of applicants (some accepted and some not) had not received their answers yet. They promised to get back to me this week or next. Ohhhh boy. More waiting. Yay.
 So, with becoming a freelancer, harassing universities, and untangling money issues, I've been a bit mired down. Oh, and I finished writing a book.


Yeah, I don't believe it either. I have successfully finished the first draft, and am now in the "butcher stage," AKA, editing. Are we going to meet our August 4th deadline? I really think so. I am sending out query letters to agents this July. Talk about nerve-wracking.

So there are my excuses; may they meet with your grace and forgiveness. I am back now, and will be writing more often.


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